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Your charges and payments

homeheat customers your charges and payments
Domestic Heat Customers
Commercial Customers

Your charges explained

Variable Rate

This element of the tariff is directly linked to the energy you use. The energy unit is known as a kWh. Each energy unit used is payable. For example 1 kWh = XXp. The energy is measured through a meter located in your property. There are separate meters for each energy supply you receive from SSE Heat Networks. For example, if you receive both heat and cooling, you will have a separate meter for each. We receive readings from your property on a daily basis, these are added to our billing system to ensure we charge you accurately.

Standing Charge (Fixed Charge)

This is a daily charge. You will see this on your bill as a monetary figure and multiplied by the number of days the billing period covers. For example XXp x 93 days = £XX.XX. This charge covers the cost of operating and maintaining the entire network including our 24/7/365 call out response and the cost to provide full customer service facilities for you. If there is a problem with your supply and the fault is not caused by you, then there will be no additional charges from SSE Heat Networks to attend your property and fix the problem, this is included in the Standing Charge.

Capital Replacement Fund

This is a daily charge. You will see this on your bill as a monetary figure and multiplied by the number of days the billing period covers. For example XXp x 93 days = £XX.XX. This covers the lifecycle replacement costs of the plant and equipment in the Energy Centre, the heat interface unit and meter in your property.

Additional Charges

From time to time, there may be charges for additional services. You'll always be notified beforehand, either before the service is carried out or requested. You can find our current charge list here

For more detailed information on your energy charges, please refer to your customer supply agreement or contact our Customer Service Team on 0345 078 3215.