You'll find lots of information and guidance you need to manage your account in the sections below. If you need any more help, just send us an email or give us a call
Account login and helpful information about your account where you can view your bills, make a payment, or let us know you’re moving home.
You'll find lots of information and guidance you need to manage your account in the sections below. If you need any more help, just send us an email or give us a call.
Your heat & cooling network is operated by SSE Heat Networks Ltd and you are currently unable to switch supplier.
These are the charges you pay per kWh of energy used (heat, cooling or electric). Further information on how we calculate your prices is detailed in your Customer Supply Agreement.
This daily charge pays for the fixed costs associated with operating and maintaining a heat and cooling network. This includes the Heat Interface Unit, the meters in your home, all the equipment in the energy centre and the network of over and underground pipes. It also covers the cost of our 24/7/365 call out response and the cost to provide full customer service facilities to you. This means if there is a problem with your heat supply and the fault is not caused by you, then there will be no additional charges for SSE to attend your property and fix the problem.
This charge pays for the replacement of the plant/equipment in the energy centre, the Heat Interface Unit and meters in your property when they reach the end of their operating lives (life cycle). This money is collected by SSE as part of your bill and set aside in a separate account which can only be accessed to pay for the replacement of equipment on your network with agreement of the developer.
We review all our charges once each year and our new prices usually come into affect on the 1st May.
Our charges are set out in your Customer Supply Agreement. Although actual charges vary slightly from site to site because costs for us to operate each network vary, the structure of charges is always based on the below principles.
Core principles to our charges:
- Our charges are fair in comparison to “traditional” heating methods, such as individual gas boilers.
- We aim for our charges to be simple and easy to understand.
- We make it clear what each part of the charges pays for.
Your home is fitted with highly accurate smart meters, so you can be confident that SSE will charge you only for the energy you use. There will be a display unit on the meter which gives you information on your heat and hot water, cooling or private wire electricity consumption. The meter sends SSE details about the energy you use. We use this information to make sure your bill is accurate and not based on an estimated reading.
If you dispute the accuracy of your meter, we will attend your property and carry out an inspection. If we have cause to doubt the accuracy of the meter, it will be sent to the manufacturer for testing and calibration. If there was a fault with the meter, you will not be charged for testing and we will refund the cost of any consumption that we have charged you in error. If the meter is found to be accurate, you must pay the cost of the test.
If you are experiencing a fault with your supply, we are available to help 24/7/365. Please call to report the fault on 0800 316 2194.
We believe in delivering not only excellent customer service, but a reliable supply service too. Although we can’t promise that nothing will go wrong, we can commit to being there to respond 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Plus, if we don’t respond quick enough, you may also be eligible for a Guaranteed Standard payment.
An example of our Guaranteed Standards of supply can be found here!. Standards may vary from network to network so please check your Customer Supply Agreement or call the customer service team for specifics.
If you believe that we have failed to meet our Guaranteed Standard, please contact our customer service team by telephone on 0345 078 3215 or by email at who will then send you a claim form to complete and return, alternatively, click here to complete an online applicaiton.
All customers will be required to provide the following information when taking up residency in a property we supply.
- Date of ownership/tenancy
- Full name (title, first name, surname)
- Date of birth
- Contact details (telephone number, email address and correspondence address)
- Meter serial numbers
- Opening meter readings
This information should be submitted to us no later than two dates from the date you become responsible for the supply. Either by email to or by calling us on 0345 078 3215
Please remember to let us know when you are moving out of your property. Failure to do this may result in you being pursured for money that you do not owe us.
Ensure you contact us within two days of moving out of your property with the following information:
- Supply end date
- Meter serial number
- Meter readings
- Forwarding address
- Detail of incoming customer (where available)
We will commit to issuing a final bill and returning any credit you may have on your account within 10 working days. You can notify us of your move by email to or by calling us on 0345 078 3215
We all know that reducing the amount of energy you use is just good sense, with benefits for both the environment and your pocket. Here are some tips to help you:
- Keep warm while cutting costs. Turning your thermostat down by just 1°C can have a big impact on the cost of your energy bill. A comfortable temperature for a home is usually between 18 and 21°C.
- Smart home technology is becoming more common and more affordable. Investing in a smart thermostat will give you more control over your heating, even while you’re not at home. Set a temperature as well as a time to ensure you’re only heating your home when you actually need it.
- It’s true, wearing jumpers, socks and slippers around the house, as well as an extra blanket on the bed is not only cosy, it means you won’t be tempted to turn up the heating.
- Ensure radiators are clear from clutter or furniture. This will allow the heat to radiate around the room making you feel warmer.
- Cut the draughts – draught-proofing windows and doors could save you almost £30 a year and 46% of households still haven’t done this.
- If your system has thermostatic radiator valves, you can keep a tighter control of the temperature in each room. They’re usually numbered from 1 to 6 – try setting bedroom radiators at 3 or 4, your kitchen at 4 and living rooms at 4 to 6.
- Reduce the time you spend in the shower, one minute less in the shower each day will have an impact on your annual energy bill. If you have a water meter in your home, this will also help to reduce your water and sewage bills too.
- Turn the pressure down on the power shower. A highpressure power shower is a luxury but you’d be surprised how much water they use - sometimes even more than a bath. There is more that you can do to save on your energy bills. You can get free, independent advice online at Alternatively, you can give us a call on 0345 078 3215 and speak to one of our team.
If you are struggling to pay, we’re here to help. It’s important that you contact us as soon as possible so we can try and provide the support you need and prevent any further action being taken. If you do not pay your bills and fail to contact us, this may result in additional charges being applied to your account, your debt being passed to a debt collection agency, your account status being shared with a credit reference agency, litigation and the disconnection of your supply, which we want to avoid.
If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact our customer service team on 0345 078 3215. The team will be able to discuss options that we can offer you as well as signposting you to third party agencies for further assistance with debt management.
We offer the following payment methods
- Direct Debit
- Credit or Debit card
- Bank transfer or Standard Order
- Cheque
For more information on ways to pay, please visit here
We’ve lots of different ways we can support you if you need some extra help with your account.
For example, we can send your letters and bills in different formats including large print, audio or braille.
We have a knock and wait service for engineers visits, we can provide translation services in 230 languages and we offer face to face meetings for those that are digitally excluded.
Whilst we will do our utmost to prevent any loss of supply, sometimes things can go wrong. We understand that some customers may find it more difficult to manage without heat and hot water. Please let us know of any medical conditions or vulnerabilities, and with your permission we will add you to our Priority Services Register (PSR). If there is an outage that we are unable to resolve promptly, we will look to provide additional support for those registered. This can include but is not limited to; additional updates, one of our engineers delivering a temporary heater to your home, or a call from one of our priority services team just to make sure you’re managing during the interruption.